Rainbow Bridge
Unifying thru collective wonderment.
Rainbow Bridge is a block long installation on broadway DTLA. Comprised of 50ft long, 10ft tall fabrics it is a joyous gift to the peoples of a great city. As the fabrics dance in the breeze they will cast down colored light upon the street. Midday the sun will shine thru the fabrics creating a glowing canopy in the city. Tho the surface level intention to the installation is to share a feeling of joy and celebration, the underlying themes anchor in science, and theology: refraction, color theory, sound/color, color spectrums... It becomes a platform to discuss all that revolves around a fundamental wonder of existence. Color. And a series of workshops, and lectures will go along with the install week.
This Project is currently looking for funding and assistance.
Variation to this installation is "Sunset over LA"
A whimsically joyous gift to LA. A dirt road, rolling hills, Mountain top, beach & desert sunset… A long, slow,
non over saturated gradient.
- We will use a sheer chenille and get each piece individually died at a die house in LA.